Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting ready for the big day

Packing has always been an endeavor for me... one because I am a girl (enough said) and two because I always like to be prepared for anything that comes my way.  I take anything and everything that I might think I need, because after all "you never know".  Needless to say, packing for this trip has been nothing short of a challenge.  But a challenge I am willing to accept!

Day one of packing I decided to start with all of the miscellaneous stuff.  I figured it would be a lot easier for me to set aside what towel and shampoo I would take as opposed to picking out my outfits for the 123 days I am going to spend abroad (don't you think?).  So that is exactly what I set out to do.  I started off with an empty bed, and ended my day by covering it up almost entirely.  Luckily for me though, I had my checklist with me along the way to prevent me from getting distracted into adding in more than the absolutely necessary.

Day two of packing... and now for the fun stuff.  Today I set out to do the impossible (or so I thought).  I was to finish packing all of my shoes, clothes, snacks, toiletries, you name it I had to pack it. But, I have to say it was more difficult to get started than it actually was to finish, because once I took out those first pair of pants the rest ran like clockwork. 

As you can see, I filled the bed again with more stuff, stuff that needed to be added to the already half-filled suitcase from before.  Grandma said I wouldn't be able to fit it all, but thanks to my super organizing skills/OCD I was able to get it all in and with room to spare (granted not much, but some room nonetheless).  And now my bags are all packed up and ready to board.  I am still amazed by the amount of stuff I was able to fit into my one suitcase, but I am very proud of myself for getting it all in there.  Mission accomplished! 


  1. Good luck sweetie! I hope you don't forget anything important. May God guide you through this wonderful journey. love ya!!! xoxoxoxoxo Mom

  2. Nice job on the packing, you must have an amazing backpack / suitcase. LOL. Wish you the best enjoy yourself and be careful. Love u. Tio Nandy

  3. Thanks Mom and thanks Tio! I must admit that out of everyone in the program I am probably one of the most prepared students in terms of my packing abilities. I don't think I have forgotten anything as of yet at least, and I don't think I packed too much either. But that is yet to be determined. Thanks for the luggage... it has definitely helped me a bunch!
