Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exploring the Smithsonian

Snowwww!!  Saturday I woke up and the city was covered in white.  The snow finally came our way transforming DC into a winter wonderland.

After brunch at a local family-owned diner, some classmates and I made our way over to the National Museum of the American Indian.  This museum was superb!  It included artifacts and tribal history ranging from the Mayans in Mexico to American tribes in Oklahoma and Alaska.  It was a humbling experience to say the least, because it made me further appreciate the history of the Americas and the relationship that people have with the sun, earth, and the moon.  

Afterwards we headed to the Air and Space Museum.  Here we saw various exhibits on space expeditions, US army fighter planes, missiles and rockets, and passenger planes.  But the most interesting exhibit for me was the Wright Brothers one.  Among many of the artifacts displayed, this DC museum possessed the original first and most famous Wright Brothers airplane (below).  It was quite interesting to see the actual dimensions of the plane.  It wasn't very large, but not small enough to fit in a typical two-car garage either.  It was 40 ft wide and about 21 feet long, with room only for one.  

Sunday our aim was to see the Holocaust Museum, however due to the Pro Life March in DC that day, the city was bombarded with visitors from all over the country.  The line to get into the Holocaust Museum was all the way around the block, so needless to say we did not wait in line.  Instead we headed over to the US Botanic Gardens.  It was absolutely beautiful, peaceful, calming and zen.  They had plants from all over the world, jungle plants, desert plants, even an area for medicinal plants.  The place was an oasis in the city.

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